Showing posts with label Mythbuntu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mythbuntu. Show all posts

Mythbuntu: Antec Fusion v1 VFD & MCE Remote (Updated for 10.10)

This is an updated how-to of my notes from an earlier post. Things have changed since Ubuntu 9.04, I am now on 10.10 due to the inclusion of Trim support. The mceusb remote should just work out of the box. Here are some notes on it. So basically this is to get your Antec Fusion v1 VFD working.

Mythbuntu: MythTV/XBMC Switching

This script allows switching between mythtv frontend and xbmc. After you have lirc and irexec installed and running.

To stop Mythfrontend from automatically starting on reboot, this is how I removed it.
cd .config/autostart
rm mythtv.desktop

Mythbuntu: Firewire Channel and Recording

I got this working, and it was helluva lot simpler than I had been going after. There were a few key settings that made everything just fall into place and "just work".
First and foremost find out what works best for YOUR STB. From everything I've read Motorola's like Broadcast @ 400mbps. Most articles I've read tell you use Point to Point (P2P), this failed every single time for me. So Broadcast and 400mbps (this is in back end settings for your device).
That is really all I needed to do to get it working, but here are my notes on if it does fail how you can prime the STB.

Mythbuntu: Antec Fusion v1 VFD & MCE Remote

I like simple. But in trying to get my VFD and MCE remote working seemed anything but. So this is how I got my VFD and MCE remote working. This is pretty strait forward, I tried all sorts of articles but all in all, if you are running 0.22 this is what I came up with.